
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tetracycline teeth legal action?

I'm a 40'ish yr old male with yellowed tetracycline teeth. I've tried the 'Zoom' whitening method, but it didn't work. I will need more expensive %26amp; extensive dental work to get my smile back. Have you heard of any recourse I might have to get the pharmaceutical co to pay to have my teeth corrected? Thanks!

Tetracycline teeth legal action?
This side effect has been known for many years and warnings are on the bottles. I doubt you have a case. I have no idea why you were on a tetracyline for that long.
Reply:no idea, i also have tetracycline mouth, back in the 60's it was a wonder drug.. with no thought of the repercussions it would have. i did get the state of texas dept of rehab to help me about 15 yrs ago to get 2 dental plates,, they have since the quit untill my teeth rot out completly, im not too worried about it... tetracyclne also kills the roots
Reply:Try Maxodent

Our new teeth whitening strips can have you looking younger and feeling more sexier and attractive in just one week.
Reply:You will waste your money on the attorney fees. You have no case because the tetracycline must have used when you were very young. You have passed the time limit for liability and frankly no court would accept a case from you because yellow teeth is not some thing you can prove has damaged you. Unless you smile for a living.

I have the same problem as you do and I am 62 - the new teeth whitening tooth paste as been very effective in making my teeth whiter. Not shiny white where you have to wear sunglasses to look at my teeth but they are much whiter than before. I use the whiten tooth paste once ever other day . Save you money buy some Crest.
Reply:To answer your actual question, I never heard of this possibility.

I know that ALL makers of tetracycline were warning about the discoloration thing over 30 years ago, because it was common knowledge when I was a freshman dental student in 1976. This just means that your doctor wasn't up to speed on current information.
Reply:The tetracyclene effect would have happens many years ago. Either you took it when you were very young while your teeth were still developing or your mother took it while she was pregnant with you. I know I didn't answer anything. Sorry.
Reply:Intrinsic discoloration — This is when the inner structure of the tooth (the dentin) darkens or gets a yellow tint. Causes include excessive exposure to fluoride during early childhood, the maternal use of tetracycline antibiotics during the second half of pregnancy and the use of tetracycline antibiotics in children 8 years old or younger.

Nothing you can do but some cosmetic dentistry. With intrinsic staining OTC whitening doesn't help because they only whiten the exterior. Try veneers or composite build-ups (inexpensive).

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