
Friday, October 23, 2009


Would you rather date a guy/girl with white teeth and bad breath, or a guy/girl with yellow teeth, but good breath?

I date the person not their teeth. What ever it is that gives them yellow or bad breath. Can be fixed. I date the person...Some teeth are naturally off color---teeth color is matched by skin complexion and thus not everyone has absolutely white teeth...
Reply:good breath all the way we can always lighten and brighten the teeth
Reply:yellow teeth with good breath!
Reply:i dont care, as long as they have teeth or dentures
Reply:a guy with good breath and bad teeth.....thank god im not in a situation like yours...i have better choices.
Reply:Yellow teeth and good breath. Bad breath is hard to handle.
Reply:the yellow teeth 'cause i can fix the yellow teeth bad breath ... eww no way
Reply:i'd rather have bad teeth/ good breath. i couldnt be snuggly with them or kiss with bad breath. yuck! bad teeth- we can fix.
Reply:i wouldn't date either. i'm sorry but hygeine is very important to me
Reply:Good breath
Reply:Neither, the mouth is a very important. Gotta be clean and fresh.
Reply:Yellow Teeth and Good Breath.
Reply:give me the yellow teeth any day. i close my eyes when i kiss, but I can't close my nose!!
Reply:yellow teeth, I could switch his tooth paste, mouthwash, and gum to a whitening type. Bad breath is sometimes caused by not brushing your teeth, eeeeeewwwww!
Reply:Bad breath is disgusting! Teeth aren't necessarily bright white (I think that looks weird), so I go with good breath and yellow teeth.
Reply:that's a tough choice, but I have to go with yellow teeth/good breath. After all, you can close your eyes, but not your nose!
Reply:yellos but good breath
Reply:your dirty!
Reply:but avatar games are so much fun :(( *pouts* I have to have something to do!!!

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