
Friday, October 23, 2009

How to keep my teeth white?

Please how can i keep my teeth white??

please i'm fed up of these yellow teeth, I'm not smoker!! :(

why the yellow color appears on my teeth!!

How to keep my teeth white?
Go to see your dentist and get them bleached, that's the easiest, quickest and the least headache. No more wondering and pondering.

One of the above comments mentioned a couple of popular brands.

I did mine, I did the take home kit from the dentist, and you could stop BEFORE you teeth look like photocopy paper. My best friend did his at the dentist chair and his teeth are as white as photocopy paper - he loves them! They scare me :-)
Reply:Baking soda does wonders for teeth. It could be that mucus can discolor teeth and be hard to keep clean. Good luck, Take care.
Reply:start with a professional clean up, then whitening toothpaste, whitening mouthwash, avoid hi colored foods, and drinks, like coffee or red wine.
Reply:you probably drink lots of coffee or tea or maybe eat things with dark colors like soy sauce, hot sauce, soda, things w/ berroes, mustard/ketchup, etc. you can keep it white by using those toothbrushes that have those whitening agents in it or you can get those crest white strips, but i think you should get it done at a dental office better. Zoom! or Brite Smile, are the popular ones.
Reply:um, i would say brush your teeth at least twice a day with crest pro-health, if youre not a smoker,are you a coffee drinker? if you arent then its probably bacteria and the toothpaste will take care of that, also there is pre-brush rinse stuff to help whiten your teeth, and make sure you have a good tooth-brush, every once in a while you can take some baking soda and brush your teeth with that...i do all of these things and i have very nice bright white teeth, also dont forget to floss, you only have one set of teeth left,so take care of them!
Reply:I am a dental hygiene student (in my senior year) and I think I have some solutions for you.

First you need to determine why you have the stain. Depending where the stain originated, it may or may not be able to be removed. Possible causes include: medications, tooth injuries, tobacco use, fluoride history (development of the tooth), oral hygiene, or foods and beverages.

**Yellow stain is most likely on the outside of the tooth (called extrinsic stain).

If the cause is from tooth injury, medications, or a developmental issue, it may be a stain that cannot be removed. You should see your dentist and/or hygienist to determine the cause.

If the stain is from an external factor, the easiest and most efficient way to eliminate the stain is through good oral hygiene practices. This includes proper brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Without that, you will likely have lots of stain. You may find whitening toothpaste and mouthrinse to be helpful.

Also, if you drink tea, coffee, sodas, these along with some pigmented foods will leave behind stain. Again, proper oral hygiene practices will eliminate/reduce the stain from these factors. Try brushing just after drinking or eating these foods. The longer it sets, the harder it becomes to remove. Stain may also be caused by bacteria in the mouth in individuals with poor oral hygiene, so understand that oral hygiene greatly impacts the color of your teeth.

You mentioned that you don't smoke and that is a wonderful point because smoking is a huge factor for stain. It is usually found most heavily on the tongue side of the back upper teeth (molars) and will often look dark brown or black in color.

If you chose to have whitening treatment done there are a variety of ways to achieve whiter teeth. There are over-the-counter products that really do work! You might also consider going to your dentist and/ or hygienist to get a custom tray for home whitening or do in office whitening. These are all options for getting those pearly whites but you just have to ask yourself how much you want to spend and how long you are willing to wait for the results.

Maintain whiter teeth by brushing, flossing, rinsing, and visiting your dentist and hygienist twice a year for cleanings and exams.

Hope this helps, and good luck.

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