
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have braces and I feel like my teeth are getting those yellow stains. how do I know if I have it? and.....?

What can I do to prevent it?

I have braces and I feel like my teeth are getting those yellow stains. how do I know if I have it? and.....?
just brush you teeth more often and don't eat food that stains. For example mustard, soda, grape juice etc... when the Dr takes the brackets off he will clean your teeth pretty good so that you don't have the stains around where the brackets were.
Reply:I just got braces, but you are suppose to brush your teeth day and night; use an electric toothbrush if you can. You also need to floss and rinse your mouth with warm salty water and weekly rinse it with some flouride mouthwash.

If you do that then your teeth shouldn't go yellow. If you do that and you think your teeth are yellow then you should see your orthodontist.
Reply:oh i had braces and mine got the exact same things! yellow stains above the brraces! yeah no way to really prevent it! i tried everything when i had braces and nothing worked! just brush as often as u can, avoid dark dinks and candy at all cost, and use mouthwash to help! and trust me when they come off there is so much more u can do to get rid of yellow teeth like those whitestrips/trays! so yeah good luck
Reply:Stain from food and drink accumulate around brackets and wires worse than it does around teeth that don't have all that metal on there. It's also hard for you to get in there and clean around them, so you probably are going to notice a more yellow appearance around your teeth while you are wearing your braces. This is surface stain and can be removed so don't panic. It will not cause any damage to your teeth. But you have to be very meticulous with brushing, flossing, and rinsing with fluoride because plaque builds up around the braces and can cause you to have a ton of cavities. Fluoride strengthens the enamel and helps prevent decay, but you have to get the plaque off first or the fluoride will not reach the teeth. The one thing you do NOT want to see on your teeth are the chalky white splotches that some people have after they get their braces off. This is because of the poor care they took while their braces were on and the plaque has caused the teeth to become weak and could eventually mean that all those white splotchy areas could turn into cavities. Watch out for that but don't worry about the yellow staining.

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