
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This little girl I am watching has really bad teeth, should I say something?

I am watching an 18 month old and her teeth are just awful. She was a sever premie and I don't know if that's what has contributed to her teeth or lack of care. Should I mention it to her parents or not say anything because it's not like she's my child? Her teeth are yellow and if you tap them with the spoon on accident she squeals in pain and won't finish eating.

This little girl I am watching has really bad teeth, should I say something?
yes, definitely tell them. I mean, they could be in denial for sure.. If it were me, I would want someone to say something.. help that little girl out..
Reply:If she's in pain with them I would certainly mention it. Iam sure they are aware of it, but probably dont know what to do. Maybe suggest they take her to a dentist so they can paint them. My brother had horrible teeth from drinking so much apple juice as a toddler, they had to paint a protective enamel on them for us.
Reply:Tell them, tell them. They probably know but are in denial. If someone pointed it out to them, they might do something about it. Tell them before she loses weight from not eating or something.
Reply:Take her to a dentist
Reply:Yes, if you notice she is in pain then mention it to her parents.

Be sure she is not keeping a bottle with juice (citric acid) in her mouth, like to put her to sleep, etc. Apple juice, etc. will erode her teeth. She should be drinking from a sippy-cup by now anyway. It could also be her absorbtion of calcium. She needs to see a doctor.

Good that you are contientious and caring about this.

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